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28G ROSA with Limiting TIA

APX20D2-T03 is a receiver optical subassembly (ROSA) based on an Albis 28 Gbaud APD chip featuring large dynamic range and a high optical damage threshold of up to +5 dBm, and a multi-rate 25G burst-mode TIA offering high sensitivity with fast settling time.

Key strengths of this innovative APD ROSA are its exceptional sensitivity, high optical overload of up to -3 dBm, and high optical damage threshold of up to +5 dBm. The low excess noise allows receiver sensitivities of -27 dBm @ BER 5e-5 with a simultaneous -21.2 dBm @ BER 1e-12.

Typical applications of this APD ROSA include SFP28 Ethernet modules up to 30/40 km, 5G network transport, as well as 25G/50G PON.


  • High receiver sensitivity of -27 dBm
  • High optical damage threshold of +5 dBm
  • High responsivity: 5 A/W
  • Also available with evaluation board

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